从一开始, Multnomah University has recognized the importance of the original languages in the study of the biblical text. 希腊研究 本科主修/副修希腊语, M.A. 圣经研究 (新约)和 神学硕士 programs are designed for long-term competency focused on Greek 语法 and extensive reading in the New Testament and extra-biblical literature. We are committed to the academic rigor required for those pursuing a future in higher education, but also design courses to be accessible and relevant for those interested in learning Greek for ministry or personal enrichment. 不管你的职业目标是什么, an understanding of the Greek language will give you fresh eyes as you study the biblical text.




B.A. (大调或小调)| M.A. 《欧宝娱乐官网》| M.Div.





个人对圣经的理解 – The majority of students use their training to gain personal insight into the biblical text and to enhance their ministry.

《欧宝娱乐官网》翻译 – Some students go on to work with organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators.

研究生学位 – Other students go on to prepare for careers in teaching.



An introduction to NT希腊 (Koine) covering the basics of word formation, 语法, 和语法, systematically preparing the student for reading the Greek NT.

Translate portions of Mark and Philippians with a focus on reading and strengthening your knowledge of Greek vocabulary 和语法.

翻译 and exegesis of Galatians or Ephesians with close attention to Greek syntax, 作者的论点和思路, 并概述了这本书的圣经神学.

翻译, 分析, and exegesis of strategic portions of the Greek New Testament with an exegetical research project. Course may be repeated due to rotating content in the fall (1 2 Peter, 《欧宝娱乐官网》, 罗马书)和春天(马太福音), 路加福音, 约翰).

Read passages from a number of important Greek-speaking Church Fathers with a focus on translation and discussion of classical Christology and Trinitarian theology.

Read from the Septuagint (LXX) with emphasis on the LXX as evidence of alternate text forms, as the earliest written interpretation of the OT books, and as an object of interpretation independent from its Hebrew origins.

翻译古典希腊文本.g., 索福克勒斯, 荷马, 希罗多德, Plato) in order to enhance Greek translation skills and appreciate the broader context of Greek literature.

Analyze NT quotations of the Old Testament with the goal of discovering the NT authors’ hermeneutical and theological outlook.


Professor of Biblical Languages and Bible; Chair of Biblical Languages


Our students are excited about the classes we offer and find they can easily begin advanced work at other institutions or continue learning on their own. 不管你的目标是什么, you will never regret the time you spend learning Greek and you will always appreciate the insights it gives you into the biblical text.


“Learning Greek or Hebrew should never be treated as just a means to an end. Languages are dynamic and complex and cannot be reduced to simple formulas and rules. Learning these languages well imparts a familiarity that guards against poor interpretation, a perspective that exposes the breadth of issues affecting meaning, and a humility that is so desperately needed for an honest engagement with the biblical text.”

Dr. Karl Kutz, Professor and Chair of Biblical Languages